Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Pengiriman Abstrak

Abstrak dikirim via email: mosquitoday2015@gmail.com
Abstrak ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris tidak lebih dari 250 kata, diketik dengan huruf Times New Roman, font 12 pt.spasi I. Batas akhir penerimaan Abstrak 10 Agustus 2015. Abstrak yang dikirim akan diselksi oleh komite ilmiah. Abstrak yang diterima insyaAllah diumumkan pada 12 Agustus 2015. Abstrak yang diterima dianjurkan untuk dikembangkan menjadi extended abstract yang siap dimasukkan dalam proceeding.

Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Mengapa Hari Nyamuk diperingati pada 20 Agustus?

On 20 August 1897, in Secunderabad, Ronald Ross made his landmark discovery. While dissecting the stomach tissue of an anopheline mosquito fed four days previously on a malarious patient, he found the malaria parasite and went on to prove the role of Anopheles mosquitoes in the transmission of malaria parasites in humans. (http://www.cdc.gov/malaria/about/history/ross.html)

On August 16th female Anopheles mosquitoes  were fed on his malaria patient, Husein Khan. That evening he wrote to his wife: " I have found another kind of mosquito with which I am now experimenting, and hope for more satisfactory results with it ". On the 17th he dissected two of these mosquitoes but found nothing unusual. On the 19th he killed another and found " some peculiar vacuolated cells in the stomach about 10 microns in diameter ". He thought little about them and was rather disheartened at his results with the new species. On August 2oth, a dull, hot day, Ross went to the hospital at 7 a.m., examined his patients, dealt with his correspondence and had a hurried breakfast in the mess. One of his mosquitoes had died and this he dissected without noting anything significant. He had two mosquitoes left of the batch fed on Husein Khan on the 16th and at about 1 p.m. he determined to sacrifice one. Dissecting it he scrutinized the tissues micron by micron, when suddenly, in the stomach wall he "saw a clear and almost perfectly circular outline before me of about 12 microns in diameter. The outline was much too sharp, the cell too small to be an ordinary stomach-cell of a mosquito. I looked a little further. Here was another and another exactly similar cell ". He changed the focus of his microscope and there within each of these new cells was a cluster of black pigment. He made rough drawings in his notebook, sealed his specimen, went home to tea and slept solidly for an hour. The pigment puzzled him, for the flagella contained no pigment, but the thought struck him that if the cells were really parasites they should grow in size in the last remaining mosquito during the night. He spent the night in agony lest his last remaining mosquito should die and decompose before morning. Next day he slew and dissected, with shaking hand, this remaining specimen. There were the cells again, twenty-one of them, just as before, only now much larger . . . The cells were therefore parasites, and, as they contained the characteristic malarial pigment, were almost certainly the malaria parasites growing in the mosquito's tissues. The thing was really done.

Next morning, after writing to his wife, Ross scribbled in a note book:

This day designing God
Hath put into my hand
A wonderous thing. And God
He praised. At his command
I have found thy secret deeds
Oh million-murdering Death.
I know that this little thing
A million men will save
Oh death where is thy sting?
Thy victory oh grave?

All this he reported soberly in a letter to Manson dated August 22nd,


Ross and the Discovery that Mosquitoes Transmit Malaria Parasites


Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

Selasa, 21 Juli 2015



Objek Wisata











Informasi Penginapan Hotel Murah Di Sekitar UGM Jogja

Hotel di sekitar UGM cukup banyak. dan mudah ditemukan.antara lain  Hotel UC UGM, Wisma Kagama UGM, Wisma MM UGM dan Homestay UGM.
Berikut beberapa altenatif hotel sekitar UGM yang bisa anda coba termasuk info tarif kamar
Hotel dalam kompleks UGM

Wisma Kagama
Bunderan, Boulevard UGM Bulaksumur Blok G, YOGYAKARTA 55281
Web http://www.carihoteljogja.com/2015/01/wisma-kagama-hotel-murah-seputar-ugm.html
Telp: 0274-560142 Fax: 0274-560186
tersedia 29 kamar yang nyaman dengan fasilitas: AC, TV, Telepon, air panas, teh, kopi dan makan pagi.
VIP Rp. 275.000,-
Standar Lt. :I Rp. 300.000,-
Standar Lt. II: Rp. 274.000,-

Wisma MM UGM
Jl. Samirono Santikara Yogyakarta
Web http://housing.mmugm.ac.id
Telp.: +62 274 557981 – 85
Fax.: +62 274 557986
Standard Room: Rp. 325,000 (include breakfast)
Deluxe Room :Rp. 375,000 (include breakfast)
Executive Room:Rp. 450,000 (include breakfast)
Extra Bed : Rp. 130,000 / unit (breakfast, blanket, towel, mineral water)
Estra Breakfast : Rp.   45,000 / pax

University Club (UC UGM)
Jl. Pancasila No. 2, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta
Web http://www.ugmclub.com/
Telp. 0274 – 557216, 6491185
Fax. 0274 – 563461
Standard Room (20 Room): Rp. 375.000,-
Standard Deluxe (33 Room): Rp. 450.000,-
Deluxe Room (7 Room): Rp. 490.000,-
Junior Suite Room (2 Room): Rp. 575.000,-
Family Room (1 Room): Rp. 650.000,-
Family Suite Room (1 Room): Rp. 900.000,-
Extra Bed: Rp. 100.000,-

Hotel Talenta II dan III
Jl. Srikandi No. 7 Blimbingsari, Yogyakarta 55223 INDONESIA
telp: +62-274-541135 fax: +62-274-541137
Harga kamar Talenta II mulai dari Rp 50.000
Harga kamar Talenta III mulai dari Rp 150.000

Hotel Sala 3
Jl. Prof Dr. Johanes No. 1060, Sangan, Yogyakarta
Telp. 0274 – 589459, 387330
Harga kamar mulai dari Rp 105.000

Hotel Galuh Anindita
Melati    Rp 170.000,00
Melati Plus    Rp 200.000,00
Standard    Rp 250.000,00
Deluxe    Rp 270.000,00
Standard Family    Rp 300.000,00
Deluxe Family    Rp 350.000,00
Jl. Candrakirana No. 10, Sagan, Yogyakarta
Telp. 0274 – 589426, 589557
Fax. 0274 – 514230

Hotel Limaran 2
Kamar VIP Rp. 210.000,- (AC, TV, Kamar Mandi Dalam)
Kamar standart Rp. 90.000,-
Terletak di sebelah selatan RS Panti Rapih, dekat Kampus UGM

Penginapan Terban
Harga kamar Mulai dari  Rp 40.000- Rp 50.000
Jl. C. Simanjuntak, Gg Abiyoso No.37A, Terban, Yogyakarta
Telp. 0856 – 43328707 ( Mas Juli ) ; 0856 – 43530266 ( Mbak Nani)

Ndalem Suratin Guest House
Harga kamar mulai dari Rp 75.000
cek detail di: http://jogjandalemsuratin.com/room-rates/
Alamat: Jl. AM. Sangaji 68 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Phone: (0274) 716 3092, 741 4935,
